TIME’S UP!! The Fall of Ba’al and Her Prophets

IT’S BEEN A WHILE since I’ve written anything here. I have been extremely busy with life and have also spent an incredible amount of time creating entertaining, educational, uplifting and inspiring content for my YouTube Channel. To those of you, my faithful subscribers who have not left me, I express my deepest gratitude and sincerely apologize for the long hiatus (but MATTIE’S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!). Now, what are we talking about in this article? Though it’s late in 2024, the full-on exposure and disclosure of the wiles of…

The Return of the Light

THE REAL POWER IN SCRIPTURE… has always been spirit, or more simplified… the understanding of the spiritual/eternal/metaphysical nature of the teachings of both the Messiah and the prophets who preceded Him, as well as the righteous application of spirit, hence the reason the conquerors tempted “The Original Jedi” to convert them to “The Dark Side” (abstract reference to the 1970s & 80s Star Wars films—y’all stay with me; if you ain’t getting this, it means this message isn’t for you). When you remove righteousness from spirit, you turn off the…

The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Why Nobody Came for Us

The explanation for the title of this article is so simple that by the end of it, some of you reading may wonder why I even wrote it, but I’ll carry on anyway… What happens when citizens of countries are kidnapped by foreigners?  What happens when a nation’s warriors are taken as POWs?  To answer that, let us use for an example the Iran hostage crisis, where for nearly 15 months from November 1979 to January 1981, 52 American diplomats and citizens were held captive in Iran.  Without going into…

What Fuels So-Called White Supremacy

This isn’t going to be another post about the highly publicized Breonna Taylor incident and trial…  Nope; that will fix neither the problem that has continued to produce those types of actions, nor the resultant outcomes and reactions associated with them.  If you wanna tear down so-called “White” Supremacy, you must first begin by dismantling the engine that drives it.  The engine that drives so-called White Supremacy is the common thread that connects religions like Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, and every other “ism” that puts forth the FALSE narrative that the characters…

2020 America: A Spiritual Chernobyl

WITH ALL THE INCREASED AWARENESS… and media attention regarding incidents of police brutality and their subsequent protests (both nationally and internationally), “Matt, what can I do to help?” is a question I have been asked by a number of my “White” friends a lot lately.  I am not alone in fielding that question either, because several of my “Black” friends have shared similar stories of being asked the same question (and by the way, I utterly despise human color classifications, which is why I’ve used quotes with them for some…

Daniel Chapter Two: A Brief Analysis

I was a teenager serving in the U.S. Army… the first time I read the Book of Daniel, located in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible (the seventh book after Proverbs, situated between the books of Ezekiel and Hosea).  While I have forgotten most of the chapters in the book, the one that stuck is the second chapter.  In it, Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar (who had the Israelites in forced servitude) has a terrible dream and sends for his spiritual advisors and demands they tell him both his dream and…

Breaking Down The Bible: The Ten Commandments

IF YOU’VE BEEN FOLLOWING MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL… You already know about the show I kicked off in July of 2019 called, “Matt T’s Rap,” which in a nutshell, is a video podcast that gives viewers a look into the types of conversations guys have when hanging out at the barbershop, gym, sports bars, men’s study groups at church, etc.  (Oh and by the way, for those of you who aren’t aware of my channel, please visit http://www.youtube.com/c/MattTalford and click the subscribe button; I think you’ll be glad you did… Thanks!)…