Matt D. Talford is a writer, narrator, and author of three books: “Stuck In An Elevator” – a fictitious tale of passion and self-discovery; “Captain’s Mate: A Practical Guide for Tennis Captains, League Players and High School Coaches”; and his award-winning debut title: ”From Fear to Faith: A Survivor’s Story”  – a memoir about overcoming a rare form of what he calls “the C-word.”  All three books are currently available in paperback at or at; and in eBook format on Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks.  “From Fear…

TIME’S UP!! The Fall of Ba’al and Her Prophets

IT’S BEEN A WHILE since I’ve written anything here. I have been extremely busy with life and have also spent an incredible amount of time creating entertaining, educational, uplifting and inspiring content for my YouTube Channel. To those of you, my faithful subscribers who have not left me, I express my deepest gratitude and sincerely apologize for the long hiatus (but MATTIE’S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!). Now, what are we talking about in this article? Though it’s late in 2024, the full-on exposure and disclosure of the wiles of…

THE RED PILL: A Powerful Affirmation That Will Upgrade Your Life!

The following affirmation… is the product of a 3:30am download (on Tuesday, December 26th, 2023) that came to me from the spirit realm (and if you are not a spiritually awakened soul, that point may have just gone right over your head). As a side note, as of the time of both the download and the publication of this piece, the planet Mercury is stationed retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. Those who have knowledge of astrological transits and the energy that each planet and constellation holds, have an inner…

Is “Anti-Semitism” Losing Its Steam?


With the recent media storm of allegations… of anti-Semitism being directed at such iconic personalities as Kanye West (for statements made in a now infamous tweet directed towards sports and entertainment industry execs), and days later, NBA player Kyrie Irving for his mentioning of a Biblical-anthropological book and documentary series titled, “Hebrews to Negroes” by Ron Dalton Jr, it may be time to do a closer examination of the term, “anti-Semitic” and review the etymology of the root word, “Semite.” (For a breakdown of the etymology of “anti-Semtic,” see the…

The Wizard of Oz: A Lesson in Life Purpose and the Journey of the Soul

Lions and tigers and bears OH MY! ANYONE WHO HAS EVER SEEN THE AMERICAN CLASSIC FILM, “The Wizard of Oz,” is going to be familiar with the above phrase; but did you know that the film quite possibly goes deeper than the singing, dancing and feel-good narrative it presents? Watch my breakdown of how the movie, “The Wizard of Oz” just might hold the keys to unlocking the mystery of why each of us came to earth.  One thing’s for certain: you’ll probably never look at the film the same…

How Fear Causes Us to F*** Up!

  During the nearly five decades that I have occupied space on this planet (in this body), I have observed a number of situations where fear—not necessarily the physical but the mental type—has caused individuals to screw up in ways that they most likely would not have, were they not fearing the worst possible outcome of their decisions or actions. In the video below, I provide scriptural, historical and film examples of how fear and confidence—contrasting ideologies—work against us and for us, respectively. Enjoy the video and feel free to…

Religion: An Age-Old Spell Whose Power is Rapidly Fading

The greatest spell ever cast upon mankind occurred when wicked men captured ancient SPIRITUAL teachings, precepts and concepts, stripped them down, restructured them, then rebranded them as religion. Since its creation, religion has in effect, served as a very powerful set of chains of mental bondage (arguably the strongest and most pervasive of which being Christianity). Having trouble envisioning what the previous statement might look like in action? Picture taking a man from behind the wheel of his automobile… either by request or force, then ushering him into the back…

Umbrellas and French Toast

Have you ever left home… headed toward a specific destination, only to arrive, certain that you are in the right place, only to sooner or later realize that you are in the wrong place, and having no clear understanding of how or why you arrived there? How about being so sure of the words you are saying, only to have one or more people say to you, “No. I am certain that this is what you said.” Well, I have had the good fortune (more on that later) of experiencing…

The Illusion of Time

It has been an entire 8 months…   since I last published an article, and while that has been quite a long time between posts, it has not been for lack of desire. 2021 has been one of the busiest years I’ve had in quite some time, and when not working my day job (helping out at my wife’s company—who says guys who retire in their early 40s get to stop working 😂), I have been ultra-busy publishing videos to my YouTube channel. Also, if you’ve followed me on this…

The Return of the Light

THE REAL POWER IN SCRIPTURE… has always been spirit, or more simplified… the understanding of the spiritual/eternal/metaphysical nature of the teachings of both the Messiah and the prophets who preceded Him, as well as the righteous application of spirit, hence the reason the conquerors tempted “The Original Jedi” to convert them to “The Dark Side” (abstract reference to the 1970s & 80s Star Wars films—y’all stay with me; if you ain’t getting this, it means this message isn’t for you). When you remove righteousness from spirit, you turn off the…