Tears of the Strong

May this post serve as a reminder…   …That sometimes, even the strongest amongst us grow tired, feel weak, and begin to question why they do what they do, or why the even care.  May the photo and embedded caption above, serve those of you strong and courageous souls that do so much for so many… …And let us all be reminded that sometimes, even superheroes need to be reminded who they are. Be well! —MT Matt D. Talford is a writer, narrator, and author of three books: “Stuck In…

What Are You Pouring Into?

Fact: Your daily energy stores (physical, spiritual, mental, emotional) are limited, and rest is required to replenish them. So what does that mean to you and me?  It’s simple.  If we’re dealing with a resource that is finite, it is imperative for us to be mindful of… pay attention to… or closely examine what and whom we pour our energy into.  The question is… are you pouring into people or situations that give back?   If you and I are pitchers and what’s inside of us is water, tea, lemonade,…

Motivation: 7/24/18

A little something to tuck away and pull out during those times when it seems that you just can’t figure it out… Have a wonderful day! –MT   (Matt D. Talford is a freelance journalist and the author of “From Fear to Faith: A Survivor’s Story”  – a memoir about overcoming a rare form of what he calls “the C-word.”  The book is currently available in paperback on this website [click the “Products” link at the top of the page] and at Amazon.com.  It is also available in eBook format…