The Return of the Light


has always been spirit, or more simplified… the understanding of the spiritual/eternal/metaphysical nature of the teachings of both the Messiah and the prophets who preceded Him, as well as the righteous application of spirit, hence the reason the conquerors tempted “The Original Jedi” to convert them to “The Dark Side” (abstract reference to the 1970s & 80s Star Wars films—y’all stay with me; if you ain’t getting this, it means this message isn’t for you).

When you remove righteousness from spirit, you turn off the light. When you turn off the light, the entities that thrive in darkness prevail. It then becomes imperative for those who rule in darkness to make sure that the light never returns, for light is always greater than darkness and when light appears, darkness ALWAYS vanishes (that is universal truth and power).

Now fast forward to the ancient “lights”…

Because of their refusal to use their spiritual power for righteousness, the “Children of the Light” in effect became one with the workers of darkness (who were not of them) and in doing so, unknowingly became servants unto them.  (One never has to defeat a more powerful foe if he can convince that foe to join him, in which case, the convincer always becomes master.)

In time, due to mechanisms and processes being put into place to ensure that the Children of the Light never again saw their power, the spiritual/metaphysical/eternal nature of their ancient writings were camouflaged (or removed even, where possible), and replaced with words (spirit) devoid of their real power. This was allowed by “The Light Source” (who has been referred to by many different names throughout time) for a season, but that season has ended.

The revelation of things hidden ages ago is fully underway and the prophesied salvation (redemption) of the Children of the Light from the chains of the darkness that has held them captive for millennia has been activated and has been set in motion. The manifestation of thousands of years of cries and prayers that seemed to go unheard, has come about and with it, the ensuing judgement of the souls of the workers of darkness.


Apocalypse: Derivative of the Greek word “apokalyptein,” which means to uncover, disclose, reveal.


The power of the system that bottled up and hid the light from the world is now broken, and their millennia-old infrastructure is crumbling to an inescapable and irreparable end. A new era of light is upon us.

All the Best!

Addendum: Why I Wrote This Particular Article

I wrote this article because in waking up last Sunday morning and studying scripture for a recent video breakdown (check out my YouTube channel), I came upon 1 Peter Chapter 1 and had an epiphany.  For as many times as I’ve read that chapter, I never saw the true spiritual nature of it, including the parallels in time (for more on that, click the video link below). For now, I’ll proceed with my point…


Matt D. Talford is a writer, narrator, and author of three books: “Stuck In An Elevator” – a fictitious tale of passion and self-discovery; “Captain’s Mate: A Practical Guide for Tennis Captains, League Players and High School Coaches”; and his award-winning debut title: ”From Fear to Faith: A Survivor’s Story”  – a memoir about overcoming a rare form of what he calls “the C-word.”  All three books are currently available in paperback at or at; and in eBook format on Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks.  “From Fear to Faith: A Survivor’s Story” is also available in audiobook (narrated by Talford himself) at iTunes,, and at many other sites where audiobooks are sold.  For information on these and other products, click the “shop” link in the menu.

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