Three Things You Should Consider Doing Everyday

I know I haven’t written anything in a while.  Life sometimes has a funny way of interrupting our “plans” ?…  At any rate, I wanted to share a quick thought that I hope helps someone else as much as it helps me! Take it easy, if you’re going to work hard, play equally hard and rest equally hard… and above all, take time out to pray and show gratitude everyday. God Bless! -MT

A Letter to My Facebook Family and Friends

Dear FB Family and Friends, I know it seems a bit odd that I’m writing this to you in a blog post vs the standard usage of a FB status update. But I knew this would be a bit too lengthy for FB, so the blog is a much better forum. Now onto the point of this post… God knows I really try to stay the heck away from politics in my posts, but I have to say it, because right about now, I’ve really had it “up to here.”…