Why I Don’t Practice Lent

(The following article, originally drafted four years ago, was as an op-ed piece [opinion editorial for those of you unfamiliar with the abbreviation] that I submitted to a major newspaper.  The submission was not used, but rather than delete the article, I decided to keep it for a rainy day.  Well, this year, I have seen quite a few discussions regarding Lent on social media, so I figured now was a good time to open those umbrellas 😊)… To Lent or Not to Lent… That is the question…  Recently, someone…

Personal Drones and Privacy: How Far Can You Go?

Drones are easily one of the coolest technologies of the modern era, but with more and more people purchasing them, where do you draw the line on where and how they’re flown?  While some may not be aware of it, in real estate law, a person’s property lines are not just set at the physical, grid coordinates (latitude/longitude lines).  A person’s land/lot extends infinitely upward (which is why a limb from a tree on your neighbor’s property cannot extend across your property line without your consent).  Yes, you own the…